Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving  (Part 4) - Bishop David Oyedepo

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Thanksgiving is God's agenda for preserving His blessings in our lives.

Malachi 2:1-3 --- to see His blessings in our Lives, we have the awesome responsibility of giving Him the glory. He did not only preserve the blessings, He also perfect it  Luke 17:17. Giving God the glory also multiply the blessings John 6:6
God's agenda for us as believer requires thanksgiving for delivery. We have common destiny in Christ Romans 8:29-30/5:9 1 Samuel 2:20 Isaiah 29:13 -- thanksgiving is a lifestyle that genuinely honour God.
Without genuine honour in our hearts for God, our glorious destiny is not in view 1 Samuel 2:30 -- You must have a posture that God has never done me wrong. If you are challenged, that is exams you need to write. Your parent has not done you wrong to send you to school.
Challenges of life are not evil, they are part and parcel of our redemption packages. Stop crying, that challenge is what you can overcome 1 Corinthians 10:13 John 16:33 (Some believers are adult baby, your baby is crying) --- can you imagine Israelite crying at the red sea Romans 13:7
It's time to know that we are in a battle. One of the weapon of this war is thanksgiving 2 Chronicles 20:22
Thanksgiving facilitate the realizationn of our glorious destiny.
It also facilitate access to revelation Matthew 11:28 -- reaction is the cure for frustrations. Whenever light shows up, darkness back off Psalms 100:4/16:11 --- the path of life is available when you come to His presence Isaiah 12:2 (joy is not just a feeling, it's what you draw out)
If you are labouring and it's not showing, you need to Deuteronomy 28:47-48 -- not everybody serving God enjoys returns, you must serve Him 1 Thessalonians 5:16 --- you are not carrying the world on your head, cheer up. Serving God is a privilege. There is no football match without reserve bench, don't abuse the privilege. Don't serve God as a burden. Stop working out on God. You are not indispensable. Serving God as a burden does not pay, you better stay out of it than procuring curse for yourself.
God never force anyone to serve Him. Spiritual stewardship is the most rewarding platform in kingdom stewardship. You can only maximise its effect doing it joyfully Joel 1:11-12 -- keep your joy alive, so you don't labour in vain and loss your harvest.
Thanksgiving engenders breakthroughs in our endeavours Isaiah 54:1-2 --- you can sing your way from stagnation into breakthroughs, barrenness into fruitfulness Acts 16:25/26 -- sing your way out of any prison. A state of breakdown is a state of downcastness. 
You silent your enemies and start to scale New heights by praising and glorifying God Psalms 92:1-2/10-12
Thanksgiving is a vital mystery for supernatural church growth -- every living things grow Jeremiah 30:19
Beware of being offended in God and man Matthew 11:6 -- God is not the one behind the challenges of your life, He is your bail out Luke 17:1
Stop defending yourself against God, no one contended with God and prospers Job 2:7/13:15 -- don't prolong your problems Job 34:12-13
We need to be armed with repentance as a path to restoration.