One Thing Men Miss That Made Them Miss All

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What men miss in life, why they miss it, the outcome of it in our generation and why they should go back to it.

There is a person called "THE HOLY GHOST"


He is the spirit and power of the most high, throughout Bible times we see His manifestations and even in our world today, He is more in operation than ever, because God has and is still in the business of filling humans with His Spirit and Power today in order to help them carryout His plans and fulfill their purposes on the Earth.

Now let's come to think of it, if He(The Holy Ghost) is the Power and Spirit of God,

What is He capable of doing?

Simply put, the Holy Ghost does what God alone does, He has the ability to do the impossible.

The Holy Ghost from the beginning has a track record of doing strange things, he is in total and complete control of time, space and matter.

The major challenge of the Holy Ghost

As powerful as the Holy Ghost is, He doesn't just operate in the Earth without being summoned, even though God is sovereign, He chooses to work with principles and in order. And that is why He didn't pour out His spirit on the world but on men, and men have the free will to dictate the operation of the Holy Ghost. So the major challenge of the Holy Ghost is men, and the challenge of man is his mind.

More often than not, man is a reflection of his environment. His mode of operation is by the basis and scope of the things around him, and because his knowledge and understanding is limited by what he sees, hears, feels, taste and smell, he has no choice but to live his life and judge things within his ability of comprehension.

The natural man can never operate the supernatural because it's too far above him, too deep, too wide yet it appears too simple to make sense or impact.

The Outcome

When men don't know the purpose of a thing, abuse is inevitable.

Many believers today don't know what or who the Holy Ghost is, they choose to go on their own strength, knowledge, capacity and ability so they are struggling with life issues, they are frustrated, defeated and confused, yet they carry the Holy Ghost the wisdom and power bank of God. If only believers are aware of what they truly carry, life won't be hard.

I conclude with this

Prophetic Alert!!!

The world is landing into the greatest distress of all time, and it has begun already. No knowledge or skills or professor of whatever has the solution, it's going to be days of gross darkness. However they are people God is raising to take over the center stage, people that have access to the wisdom of God and are in full alignment with the Spirit of God, these are the people that will count in the days ahead.

So swallow your pride and come to the school of the spirit and learn to fully control the supernatural.
